Polish, Inc.
joined the philanthropy arena when its president, C. Maria
Macon introduced the Polish Inc. Community Endowment Fund.
The introduction was made during a reception Nov. 12,
co-sponsored by the Carolinas Association of Black Women
Entrepreneurs (CABWE), where Macon, the guest of honor was being
The funds will allow community and faith based organizations
to apply for seed monies to assist in building organizational
infrastructure capacity to deliver the services or products that
they offer. The application process will begin October 2005. Every
year a ‘Roast’ will be held. The honoree for the roast will receive
a public reception, a token of the event and a cash grant for the
non-profit organization that they represent.
“Initially, there will be one grant per year given away.
However, as the concept grows we expect to give away 100% of the net
profits of Polish Inc.,” says Macon.
"On any given day our office sees clients that come in with
wonderful ideas. They start non-profit organizations that fail for
lack of start-up or seed money. And, they learn quickly that their new
non-profit can not be ran out of their pockets. In most cases,
mainstream funding sources want new organizations to have two-years
experience as a non-profit before they will consider your grant
What is an
organization to do? That’s where the Polish Inc. Community
Endowment Fund comes in. We want to help bridge that
24-month gap.
Polish Inc. Community Endowment Fund will be a publicly supported fund. If you have
never participated in individual giving programs or even if you
have, now is the time to begin the road to self-sufficiency. The
minimum contribution to the fund is $25 and you can give as often as
you want.
In an address given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the
Church in New York, he stated, “We are called to play the Good
Samaritan on life’s roadside; but that will be only an initial act.
One day the whole Jericho
road must be transformed so that men and women will not be beaten
and robbed as they make their journey through life. True compassion
is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it understands that an
edifice that produces beggars needs restructuring”. We want to take
this understanding to a new height through the Polish Inc
Community Endowment Fund, says Macon.
Our 2005 candidate will be Mrs. Thelma McKoy, President of
Carolina Advocates for Legal Reform (CALR). The roast will be held November 11,
2005; at 7:00 pm., Donations are being accepted through Wachovia Bank at
Central Ave.
and The Plaza – Fund # 3000066984617 – Polish Inc Community
Endowment Fund.
Contribution made prior to April 2005 can be deductible in
the 2005 tax year. Contributions made after April 2005, can be
tax-deductible in the 2006 tax year. For more information or to
volunteer your talents or skills, contact Polish Inc. 704/333-1691,
visit our website at
www.polishinc.biz or e-mail us
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